Borders Sale
Two days left to go at Borders! Very Sad.
I went in today with the girls and came out with Al Gore's Assault on Reason, Cyburbia by James, Harkin and Real World Research by Colin Robson. Al Gore's book is entertaining and thought provoking, and Real World Research will be very helpful as I think about my own work - towards the end of the year.
I am enjoying Cyburbia much more than I had expected - having seen it on the shelves. I have been reading it in the bath and have been learning about Norbert Wiener and his concept of the feedback loop in human/machine communications. Norbert coined the term cybernetics (based on the Greek word kybernetes - meaning 'helmsman' or 'pilot' - thanks to Robin Greenwood for introducing the term at the LMN). There's a lot here about networks, communications and Wiener's observation that communication rather than production is key to understanding human identity... Lots to reflect on...
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